New picture books

Today I went to my local Barnes and Noble in search of some of the books that people have been thinking might be contenders for the Caldecott award in 2015.  When I think about what makes a great picture book it is apparently COMPLETELY different than the criteria for what the committee actually considers because my favorites NEVER win.  But ok.  I'm not bitter (yet) and I can still love the books I love and recommend them lavishly, even if they don't have that shiny gold medallion on the front.  Fine.  But here are some of the awesome ones I saw today.

The first one has been getting a lot of buzz.  It's called Gaston by Kelly DiPucchio.  It's an adorable little book about a puppy named Gaston.  Gaston lives with his family who are all super high class poodles who daintily nibble their kibble.  Gaston doesn't really look like the rest of the family and he's a lot more boisterous than they are.  One day they go to the park and meet a family of bulldogs.  One of their puppies, Antointette, looks a lot like a poodle and Gaston looks a lot like the rest of the bulldogs.  So they decide to switch.  It turns out though. that even if Gaston and Antoinette don't look like the rest of their family, they ARE sure where they belong.  This will be a good one to talk with the kids about how you know who your really family is and how you know you fit in and why you'd want to.

Here's a little book review:

Another great one that I found at the store today that wasn't on any list I'd found so far was called Catch that cookie! by Hallie Durand.  It's a spin off the traditional gingerbread story starring a complete skeptic named Marshall.  Marshall does not believe that cookies will actually jump off the cookie sheet (they're cookies, they can't run).  When they do, Marshall and his classmates have to track down the cookies who leave rhyming but mysterious notes about where they are.  This will make a great addition to the Gingerbread cookie stories in your library and will be great along side "Gingerbread Man-Loose in the school" by Laura Murray.  

I also found a spectacularly gorgeous copy of "Blowing in the Wind" by Bob Dylan and illustrated by Jon Muth.  I think Jon Muth is a genius and his pictures are complete magic.  If you didn't love this song before, the pictures alone are enough to make you completely fall in love with it.  

This is one of the images from the book. 


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