This week's reading

I've been reading a big mix of things this week.  I finished another one on the short list for the National Book award for young people.  This one was called Noggin by John Corey Whaley.  It's about a 16 year old boy who had been dying of leukemia, had his head cryogenically frozen, then five years later his head was reattached to a new body (of a boy of a similar age who had died of a brain tumor) and he wakes up.  The author's voice on this was amazing... a strong clear voice of this young man who is 16 and trying to cope with not only being gone for 5 years but living with a body that's different from the one he left behind.  Parts of it are funny and parts are heart rending.  It was a great mix of social issues and humor.  Here's a book trailer about it.

I also read on called The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey.  It's the continuation of a book that came out last year called The Fifth Wave about an alien invasion of the earth.  I really loved the first one and this one was good too.  They are super fast paced.  This one was a little hard to start because although I felt like I remembered all the characters from the last book, I felt a little fuzzy at first.  Sometimes it's hard to tell who's telling the story (it changes) and because the characters mostly have two names (One of the main characters is Ben but they also call him Zombie) it can be a bit confusing (at least to me).  But it's a great story and I can't wait for the next one to come out (which I know is coming because I heard him speak last month at the Library Media Conference in Orlando and, if you like that sort thing, a movie of the Fifth Wave is also coming out in 2015).   Here's a book trailer about that one.

Today I read one on Netgalley called Tiger Boy by Mitali Perkins.  It's about a boy growing up in modern day India.  His village is near a tiger preserve and it talks at length about some of the challenges of living in rural India... poor job prospects, expensive and inadequate health care, the poor quality of schooling, the lack of respect for the rural people, the poor opportunities for learning for girls and people who try to exploit all of those things.  It also talks about how awesome it is to be part of a loving family in a place where you feel like you belong and appreciating the place.  It would be a great story to use to compare and contrast American (or some other country) and Indian culture or if you wanted to talk about tiger preservation.


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