Making connections

Our professional organization, Palm Beach County EMA, held their annual breakfast for media specialists and principals yesterday. They invited John Schumaker, more commonly known as Mr. Schu, as the featured speaker. He was completely AMAZING!!! I've been reading his blog since I started in the media center because he reads EVERYTHING and he is a big user of social media so he's constantly sharing what he knows about books. He's a book evangelist... just what I want to be! One of the things he spoke about yesterday was how important is to read because books connect us to one another. Reading books is really terrific by sharing books is a powerful social experience that we can choose and that we can share with our kids and our students. The experiences created by authors are things we may not be able to experience on our own (like flying on a broomstick or finding a squirrel with super powers) but we can experience them vicariously and share them with our friends, family, even complete strangers who have also read the book! What a gift! Thanks Mr. Schu for reminding me how awesome it is to be one of the guides on people's reading journey!


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