Stand out characters in middle grade fiction

I'm enjoying the winter break-we got to come and spend some time with my family in Western NC, we've eaten A LOT, laughed a lot, walked a lot... Today it's POURING so I had a little time to finish some books! YAY!!! The first one is called "Skylark and Wallcreeper" by Anne O'Brien Carelli. It's told from two different perspectives-Collette and Lily. Collette is Lily's grandmother and lives in a nursing home in New Jersey. When they have to evacuate because of Hurricane Sandy, Collette gives Lily a pen and tells her not to lose it, that it's important, but in the chaotic aftermath of the storm, the pen disappears. It turns out that the pen is link to Collette's past that Lily doesn't know anything about. Collette grew up in France in the 1930s and 1940s and was involved in the French Underground. So the story has pieces from World War 2 (told from Collette's perspective) and the present day (told from Lily's perspective). ...