Previews of coming attractions!
I've had time to dig around in my Netgalley folder and there are some great books you should be on the look out for! The first one is a sequel to one I really liked last year. It's a combination of dystopian future and a Robin Hood story. The first one, by Kekla Magoon was called "The Shadows of Sherwood". The second one is called "The Rebellion of Thieves" and it was just as terrific as the first one. In the first one, Robyn is kind of a loner, she likes to build things out of recycled junk she steals from junk yards. One night when she's out looking for new parts, her parents disappear. Not like aliens took them, but this looks like there was a big struggle and Robyn fears for their safety. Robyn runs away and finds a group of friends who help take care of each other. It turns out there has been a change in leadership in her community and not really for the better. In this second book, Robyn has established herself and a leader a...