Magical books
I just finished reading a not very new book called "The Akhentaten Adventure" which is part of the Children of the Lamp series by P. J. Kerr. I liked the story a lot, which is about twins, John and Phillipa who discover that they are genies, or djinn. Djinn have a different kind of magical power (one that is depleting to their bodies, so they are instructed to use their powers carefully) and in this book, they spend a lot of time learning about their powers as well as the history of the djinn, both from a historical and a literature perspective. It got me me thinking about magic as a genre of fiction and why it's so common. There have been a lot of books about magic in the last few years, most notably Harry Potter, but there have been others like Charlie Bone and Percy Jackson. The overarching theme to me is most often good versus evil. I mean it's really cool to be able to do magic and make things happen outside of the world of reality, but if there isn'...