Authors and their influence.
I was so lucky last weekend. I got to volunteer at the April is for Authors event in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Here 's a link to their website. This amazing group invites nationally known authors to come and speak to our kids. The great part is, it's a free event. This year, the event got a giant boost from a local guy who is a pretty well known author-James Patterson, who was the keynote speaker. One of the things he said that really got me thinking was that parents aren't taking enough responsibility in making sure their kids are good readers. He said he thought if you could get your kid to the dinner table or get them to take a bath, that you should also be able to get them to read. I thought that was awesome and I also thought I really needed to do more to get my students reading! I was also lucky enough to get to meet Chris Grabenstein, who is my newest hero. Here's a link to his website. His book "Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library" is SO...